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Email selected records

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How to send an email to a predefined address

To send an email with several selected records on the List page, you need to create a custom button.


1. Proceed to the Page Designer screen.


2. Create an Update selected custom button and add the following code snippets into it:

Server tab:



StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder();
XVar rmail = XVar.Array();
XVar data;
while(data = button.getNextSelectedRecord())
  "OrderID: {0} \n" +
  "Customer: {1} \n" +
  "Employee: {2} \n" +
  data["OrderID"], data["CustomerID"], data["EmployeeID"]));
rmail["to"] = "[email protected]";
rmail["subject"] = "Sample subject";
rmail["body"] = body.ToString();
var arr = MVCFunctions.runner_mail(rmail);  
result["txt"] = "Emails were sent.";
  result["txt"] = "Error happened: " + arr["message"].ToString();

Client After tab:

var message = result["txt"];


Note: The Client Before tab should be blank (delete sample code there if any).


Sample email message:


OrderID: 10249

Customer: TRADH

Employee: 6


OrderID: 10251

Customer: VICTE

Employee: 3


OrderID: 10253

Customer: HANAR

Employee: 3


How to send an email to the currently authorized user

Instead of a hardcoded email address, you can send email to the current user.

1. The email address is used as the username

var email = XSession.Session["UserID"];

2. The email address is stored in an individual field

In this case, you need to save the email address to the session variable in the AfterSuccessfulLogin event:


XSession.Session["email"] = data["email"];


BeforeProcess event code:


var email = XSession.Session["email"];

See also:

Inserting custom button

Update selected

Tri-part events

Send an email to all users

Send an email to selected users

Send simple email

How to email selected records as separate PDF files

Grid Row Javascript API: row.getKeys()

JavaScript API:getSelectedRecordKeys()

Button object: getNextSelectedRecord()

runner_mail function

AJAX helper object: setMessage()