By default PHPRunner/ASPRunner.NET provide “Delete selected” functionality. In some cases you need to be able to delete records individually. In this tutorial we will show how to add a delete button to each record. We will also show how to make it look as a regular edit/copy/view buttons.
1. Proceed to the List page in Page Designer and insert a button. Move it to one of grid columns. Set button style to “link-button” and choose icon “glyphicon-remove” as appears on a screenshot below.
2. Now lets edit button’s code. We want to ask for a deletion confirmation, delete record and reload the page.
ClientBefore event:
if (confirm("Do you want to delete this record?")) return true; else return false;
In Server event you will need to specify correct table and key column name. In our case table name is categories and key column name is CategoryID.
Server event PHP code:
$record = $button->getCurrentRecord(); $data = array(); $data["CategoryID"] = $record["CategoryID"]; DB::Delete("categories", $data );
Server event C# code:
XVar record = button.getCurrentRecord(); dynamic data = XVar.Array(); data["CategoryID"] = record["CategoryID"]; DB.Delete("categories", data );
Client After event:
This is it. Enjoy!
Can you double-check the C# code? It does not compile for me as written. I tried removing the third line which appears to be a mistake, and changed pageObject.getCurrentRecord(); in the first line to button.getCurrentRecord();. After these changes, the code compiles and no errors are generated upon running it, but the record does not get deleted. I did update the table and PK names.
thank you for pointing! The code was fixed.
If it did not delete then please try changing
DB.Delete(“categories”, data );
DB.Delete(“dbo.categories”, data );
If you are using MS SQL
Is there a way to hide this delete button when doing an inline edit (the same way the edit button disappears)?
this won’t be that easy as you would need to intercept inline edit click. We do not have an API for this.
Can we delete only certain columns/fields from a row using the same method?